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Health Empowerment Scorecard

The idea of  a Health Empowerment Scorecard Quiz for professionals is to understand the pain points of professional people with chronic disease by asking questions that explore their experiences at work, the impact of their condition on daily activities, and their emotional and physical well-being.

Below is a draft 20-question quiz designed to gather insights into these areas:

1.General Health & Diagnosis

  1. What chronic condition(s) have you been diagnosed with? (optional)
    • (Open-ended)
  3. How long have you been living with this chronic condition?
    • Less than 1 year
    • 1-5 years
    • 6-10 years
    • More than 10 years
  5. How would you describe the current severity of your condition?
    • Mild
    • Moderate
    • Severe
    • Fluctuates between mild and severe

2.Work Environment

  1. How often does your chronic condition affect your ability to perform your job?
    • Daily
    • Weekly
    • Monthly
    • Rarely
    • Never
  3. What aspects of your work are most challenging due to your condition? (Select all that apply)
    • Physical tasks
    • Cognitive tasks (e.g., concentration, memory)
    • Meeting deadlines
    • Attending meetings
    • Travel requirements
    • Long work hours
  5. How supportive is your workplace in accommodating your needs related to your chronic condition?
    • Very supportive
    • Somewhat supportive
    • Neutral
    • Not very supportive
    • Not supportive at all

3.Work-Life Balance

  1. How often do you feel overwhelmed by balancing your work and managing your chronic condition?
    • Always
    • Often
    • Sometimes
    • Rarely
    • Never
  3. Have you ever considered reducing your work hours or changing jobs due to your chronic condition?
    • Yes, I have already done so
    • Yes, I am considering it
    • No, but I often think about it
    • No, I am not considering it
  5. How often do you need to take sick days due to your chronic condition?
    • Frequently (more than once a month)
    • Occasionally (once every few months)
    • Rarely (a few times a year)
    • Never

4.Emotional Well-being

  1. How often does your chronic condition cause you emotional distress or anxiety?
    • Daily
    • Weekly
    • Monthly
    • Rarely
    • Never
  3. Do you feel that your condition impacts your ability to socialize with colleagues or participate in work-related activities?
    • Yes, significantly
    • Yes, somewhat
    • No, it doesn’t impact
    • No, but I choose not to participate for other reasons
  5. How often do you feel isolated or misunderstood at work due to your chronic condition?
    • Always
    • Often
    • Sometimes
    • Rarely
    • Never

5.Physical Well-being

  1. How often do you experience physical pain or discomfort while at work?
    • Daily
    • Weekly
    • Monthly
    • Rarely
    • Never
  3. How do you manage your symptoms during work hours? (Select all that apply)
    • Medication
    • Short breaks
    • Stretching or physical exercises
    • Adjusting work tasks or posture
    • Using assistive devices
    • Other (Please specify)
  5. Do you feel that your work environment is physically conducive to managing your condition (e.g., ergonomic furniture, access to rest areas)?
    • Yes, completely
    • Yes, somewhat
    • No, it could be improved
    • No, not at all

6.Career Growth and Opportunities

  1. Do you believe that your chronic condition has affected your career advancement or opportunities?
    • Yes, significantly
    • Yes, somewhat
    • No, it hasn’t affected
    • No, but I’m concerned it might
  3. Have you ever hesitated to pursue new career opportunities due to your chronic condition?
    • Yes, frequently
    • Yes, occasionally
    • No, I haven’t hesitated
    • No, I actively pursue opportunities regardless
  5. How comfortable are you discussing your chronic condition with your employer or colleagues?
    • Very comfortable
    • Somewhat comfortable
    • Neutral
    • Uncomfortable
    • Very uncomfortable

7.Coping Strategies and Support

  1. What types of support do you think would most help you manage your condition at work? (Select all that apply)
    • Flexible work hours
    • Remote work options
    • Better understanding from management
    • Access to health resources or counselling
    • Physical accommodations (e.g., ergonomic furniture)
    • Peer support groups
  3. What advice would you give to other professionals with chronic conditions about managing their careers?
    • (Open-ended)

Please feel free to comment or suggest pertinent questions. You can comment on my website contact page or book a call and we can have a chat.