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Meditation + Action = NLP

Meditation + Action = NLP

Yoga emphasizes physical and spiritual practices for overall well-being, while meditation focuses on mental training and emotional calm. Similarly, NLP utilizes psychological techniques to enhance behaviour and fulfil our ambitions.

These are all excellent drug-free and gluten-free practices to enhance a feeling of well-being, clear our minds of negativity, and deal with stress with a positive calm attitude. Fantastic! The subtle difference is that NLP goes one step further and focuses on achieving SPECIFIC goals by taking positive ACTION.

Once we untangle ourselves from a complex Yoga manoeuvre or emerge from a meditative trance and refocus on the real world we come to a shocking realization, that all the shit from 20 minutes ago is still there. We’re much calmer now, in control and ready to deal with anything, but…

We’re primed and ready to tackle issues or pursue goals but haven’t taken steps to achieve these. We need MOTIVATION to guarantee that as well as feeling calm, confident and concise, we will have a dynamic pathway to success.

NLP focuses on understanding and changing human behaviour patterns to transform mindfulness and spiritual awareness into a formidable superpower. NLP employs techniques like reframing thoughts, anchoring positive states, and modelling successful behaviours to overcome mental and emotional barriers, move forward and run down our aspirations.

When we conquer limiting beliefs and commit to clearly defined goals we achieve great things.

The first thing to do is trust our unconscious mind. Transcending into a state of heightened introspection turns the key and invites our subconscious to perform whatever extraordinary feats we request.

For this to happen it must be a fair deal. We need to be honest and call out those little voices determined to spoil our party. We can only silence what is already heard, so acknowledge our internal sabotage dialogue and mute it.

Weare now free to take meaningful action to flip self-doubt into self-belief, fear into intrepidity, and inaction into dynamism. Big words, great results and profound transformation in a fraction of the time that psychologists, psychiatrists and life coaches can take with multiple consultations.

A goal may take years to achieve but a winning mindset can be constructed in a single NLP session. All our senses are called into service, our belief system is supercharged, and our unconscious mind is given free rein to open the gateway to success with vivid visualization.

Think about this, "You can't change the people, but you can change the environment, and the people will naturally adapt."

We can’t change who we are, but NLP helps us change the environment in which our subconscious operates. Dimming the negative and turning up the positive creates a constructive atmosphere where our unconscious mind can thrive and do its best work.

Our personality is unaffected, but the perception of our universe will be much brighter. Our problems will appear smaller and our goals nearer, our stride will become a swagger and we may even develop an aura. Only good things can come of this.

While we’re physically capable, let’s enjoy our yoga, and make time for meditation. They are great for improving our subconscious environment. When we need to tackle a particularly challenging undertaking, we need something with a bit more UMPH. Neuro Linguistic Programming can be just the ticket.

If this article resonates with you, I would love to hear from you.

Contact me at https://www.charliegriffithscoaching.com/contact

Charlie Griffiths is a certified Life Coach and Neuro Linguistic Programming Practitioner dedicated to helping fellow professionals thrive with a chronic disease or serious injury.