There's still plenty of time to do amazing things

More than Money

Leaving the workforce brings on a great many changes.

Firstly, active income ceases so, to support the lifestyle you anticipate you need passive income from a profitable investment portfolio and/or substantial superannuation.

After spending years planning your finances what next?

Here's a list of questions to ask yourself about your post retirement life;  

  1. What am I going to do with heaps more time and less income?
  2. How will my social life be affected?
  3. I spent a lifetime earning respect from colleagues and clients, will that be lost?
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As your Retirement Coach

I will work with you in a judgement-free zone with total confidentiality. I will ask you  •
  1. To share your dreams, your goals and your aspirations  
  2. To talk openly and honestly about your challenges, like limiting beliefs, peer pressure, financial restraints, responsibilities, support issues and anything that concerns you.  
  3. To unlock your superpowers. You have everything you need inside you to achieve anything you want.
  4. To identify opportunities for your advancement.
  5. To develop an action plan to get you back on track and running in overdrive.  
  6. To monitor your progress and make adjustments that you believe will get greater results more efficiently  
  7. To be accountable for your actions and your choices  
  8. To enjoy the ride!

How I can help you thrive

Defeat Self Doubt

Often the only thing holding you back is lack of confidence. It's amazing what you can achieve with a positive mindset.

Build Self Esteem

When you like yourself people will like you. And when others like who you are and what you do, you will feel even better about yourself...

Achieve Goals

My unique approach to Goal Getting (different to goal setting) puts you in charge of the process. Love it, Live it, and Land it, is the theme.

Elevate Performance

Let yourself go - to the next level with a winning mindset, strong self belief, and a sound action plan.

Personal and Professional Development 

Imagine the results when you're the best version you can be of yourself, in your personal life and your career.

Turn Limiting Beliefs into Winning Beliefs

Retrain that little voice in your head to be supportive rather than protective. Mini Me means well but can hold you back from having a crack and reaching your full potential.

Beat Phobias

The subconscious mind isn't logical and neither are phobias. A simple neural pathway redirect can blow a phobia out of the water.

Improve Relationships

At work, at home, and at play, happy, trusting relationships make all the difference. Teamwork makes the dream work.

Build a Positive Mindset

If mindset is a bridge that carries you and all your baggage through life, it needs to be strong, sturdy and safe. Have fun creating a mighty structure built on a positive attitude.

Master Fear

Develop strategies to put you in a fearless state whenever and wherever you need to be brave.

Control Emotions

Learn how to move from sad to happy, depressed to motivated, angry to tolerant at will.

Overcome Inertia

Every sporting stroke starts with a unique trigger movement. Create your own special way of getting into a full swing instantly.
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How we can work together

Online Meetings

I normally use Zoom for online sessions but can use your platform of choice.

Face to Face

Since I live in regional Australia it isn't always feasible to meet in person, but if you happen to be in my part of the world, let's catch up.


When internet connection isn't up to our desired standard, mobile phones will usually do the trick.

I run individual and group sessions.

How to get started

Book a FREE info call with me

Book your FREE call
  • Or complete the contact form below.
  • I will arrange a return phone call or schedule a Zoom meeting (or similar) with you.
  • Our first 20-minute meeting will be a free informal chat to get an overview of your situation and clarify my involvement.
  • If we’re happy to work together, we will develop a customised package to suit your needs.

Contact me

Let's find out if we can work together
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